four-dimensional space

美 [fɔːr daɪˈmenʃənl speɪs]英 [fɔː(r) daɪˈmenʃənl speɪs]
  • 网络四维空间;四度空间
four-dimensional spacefour-dimensional space
  1. A Study of " Four-dimensional Space Theory " and the Modern Nature of Literature


  2. The Basic Principle Of Rotating Geometric Elements in Four-Dimensional Space and These Practice


  3. Discussing on the four-dimensional space image of rich city


  4. Revolution of a line about a plane in four-dimensional space


  5. Indication of Point in Geometry Drawing in a Four-dimensional Space


  6. If you were in four-dimensional space it would be a triple integral .


  7. On Constructing Julia Set and Mandelbrot Set in Four-dimensional Space


  8. The auxiliary orthogonal projection on an oblique hyperplane in four-dimensional space


  9. All the cultural classics in the history of mankind are the historical relics unfolding in the far-stretching four-dimensional space .


  10. In the course of appreciating two-dimensional graphic design work , the multidimensional space mentality feeling in audiences ' mind , turn into a true sense of virtual four-dimensional space .


  11. Study On The Oblique Dimetric Projection Of The Hyperconical Surface In Four-Dimensional Space And Its Orthographic Projections Upon The Four Three - Dimensional Projection Spaces


  12. At the end of this paper , we give out two properties for operator T in quaternionic analysis which is often used as a important tool for solving elliptic equations in four-dimensional space .


  13. There are different theories about that but it 's [ four-dimensional space ] all about time because some scientists believe time is not just past and future , maybe it 's in a different dimension ...


  14. Based on the definitions of three fixed centres in a four-dimensional space , a three-dimensional solution of the problem of three fixed centres is presented , which develops the plane solution of the problem .


  15. The construction space designing philosophy leads to more open and takes in everything . More and more designers tends to penetrate the plane-forming work of art into " four-dimensional space ", thus producing brand-new visual effect .


  16. At the same time , there is no brand on the " Introduction " and " trade "," cite "," only " four-dimensional space to conduct and thought by the rich and recycling , it also can not brand .


  17. Make us could be able to consider from different perspective while carry on the creative design in urban landscape , passed by the regularly connection in bottom interface , acquiring the continuity in urban landscape what is a four-dimensional space , mold a flexibility space .


  18. Lastly , I propounded a simulation display method based on NURBS surfaces for showing the Connection of Hyper Curved Surfaces in four-dimensional Space . The method realized G ' and G2 connection , in other words it realized the continuity of the cutting surface , main curvature and direction .


  19. Super - complex and unit ball of four-dimensional complex space


  20. Four-Dimensional Thinking Space for Modulation in Communication Principles


  21. The forced vibration of pendulum is described by four-dimensional phase space and the fourth order autonomous ordinary differential equation .


  22. The Unicode CCS utilizes a four-dimensional coding space of128 three-dimensional groups .


  23. The several characteristics of the modulation techniques in the course communication principles are analyzed , and how to use the method named as four-dimensional thinking space in teaching practice is discussed .


  24. Extended Doublc Backlund Transformations of the Self - Dual SU ( 2 ) Gaugc Fields on Four-Dimensional Euclidian Space


  25. The compactification of the seven-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory into four-dimensional Minkowski space M4 × S1 × S2 is found to be stable .


  26. A sampling trajectories-Monte Carlo method for solving non - Markovian Langevin equation driven by harmonic colored noise and with memory-damped is presented based on increased of four-dimensional phase space .


  27. He expanded the four-dimensional boundaries of space and research of the modern aesthetic and artistic philosophy , more importantly , is his understanding and interpretation of art . Art has always been the object of appreciation by the people , and the object of serving human .


  28. Although in traditional two-dimensional design work , we need to demonstrate a kind of four-dimensional dynamics experience . Space limitations in graphic design have been more and more broken .
